Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Target Audience Demographic

We have a target audience, so we needed to make sure the target audience we want viewing the film will appeal to them the most.
To get the target audience we want, which is teens to young adults we need actors in the same age range which can relate. We have split the audience into 4 groups to help us analyse different aspects.
Which are-

-16-18 girls
-16-18 boys
-18-24 girls
-18-24 boys

The age of the 16-18 girls we needed to know what they are into. Most 16-18 year old girls are into make-up, boys and partying. We where able to link them in with a party to start the film. Also there are different sort of groups in the 16-18 space, which is stereotypes groups, were girls have friendship groups of their stereotype e.g- popular girls, nerdy girls, goth girls. To get a wide range of a target audience each of our character have different stereotypes in the film. It also helps because our character are the ranges 18-20.
It can appeal to 16-18 girls because its what 16s can look forward to (parties), and 18s where they can relate.

The age of 16-18 boys can also appeal to them. We used a thriller as a genre because boys would much rather see a thriller film and not a chick flick (so good for a date). And we have used the element of partying and teens at their age like and want to party, so we are able to drag both genders to this film. No only that but attractive girls are in the film, so boys would want to come to see attractive girls.

The age 18-24 girls can also watch this film, it can link into them and can appeal to them. They can look back on party moments, but have a bad twist in our story line. Also we have an actor, acting the age 20, so we still have the same age range. Also as we know the large age range to go to the cinema is 18-24 year olds its good to target them.

The age 18-24 year old boys can go to watch this thriller because boys like thrillers, and as there is a good story line it can keep them entertained. Also the boys can watch it with friends, girlfriends or when they don't need to go into work.

So we have been able to get a whole range of people 16-24, both ages into this film, as it is a wide target audience the film can be successful. However, this can differ from target audience because other people out of our target range could want to see this film.

1 comment:

  1. You have highlighted some good reasons for your choice of target audience; be careful not to use too many generalisations - ie boys like thrillers - some probably don't! Make sure that you now analyse ways to attract your specified target audience beyond the 'pretty girls' point that you have made. Research some real marketing campaigns and see if they target your group ie Prisoners or Hunger Games sequel and see how they do it.
    Mrs H
