Friday, 17 January 2014

3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This is the logo of the institution we used for our film opening.

We did this because Summit produced a world wide hit movie, which turned into more movies, The Twilight Saga. People who like Twilight is the same age as our target audience, so if we made a movie with the same company people would want to see it because it is by the same people. From Twilight they had a huge audience of mostly teenage girls, and some boys, we can bring some of that audience to us.

They are also an independent company, so we didn't need to add another company as an institution.

Another reason why we chose Summit is because they have been involved with other thrillers, like The darkest our and now you see me. 

This is now you see me, a mom-scary thriller.

This is not just a thriller it is also science fiction, having the two genres limits choice. This involves death in film like ours does. 

7- Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

This is the discussion my group had about our progression from the preliminary task.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

5- How did you attract/ address your audience?

5- How did you attract/ address your audience?
We used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for our feedback for our film. 

This is some of the feedback we got from Facebook.
Someone said- 'have to say love the drama when she dont answer the phone x but in my opinion was quite a slow build up to that point'
From this comment we looked back at the film and thought we wanted a big build up to the death, however from doing this we could have left it to long and make so slow and must of made the audience bored of watching the build up.

comment- 'very good I like the build up and the split screens on the phone scene. like the drama of the girl laying still and the person walking away makes you wonder "is she dead?" and "who is that?" x'
From this comment we did make a good build up to the film, which could be from people's different personal opinions. We are successful in the mystery we gave to the audience of Scarlets death and who killed her. Also this person liked the effect of the split screen. 
These are other comments from my Facebook page.
The main comment we looked at way this one-' was just thinking you could vary the camera shots, instead of having pretty much medium shots and close ups. Could try some extreme close ups, POV, over the shoulder and perhaps a Low Angle? Also, I'd say throw in some more cinematography skills, like pans, tilts and zooms! It's good though, just include them and it will make it 100 times better'
This is someone of our age group also studying media. He talked about more technical matters such as camera angles. We thought we could of used a extreme close up on maybe the knife or the blood on my shirt. And also we could use an extreme close-up on make blood dripping.  
For choosing our music for our film it was really hard, some people in group wanted a love song in the back ground on the radio, and we thought it doesn't find the genre of the film. Then we thought of playing a pop/punk band from Youtube on our phones. But the problem was we didn't know what band/singer to choose. But we thought of a teenager band called Paramore to sing a song, the song would be called Decode, which was also in a teenager film Twilight. We had to find a cover which was easy. We thought the song was a create choice because it fitted the genre of the film, also as Paramore is popular with teenagers we thought it was good so teenagers can enjoy some good music in a film, and teenagers is our focus/ target audience. Also this music linked to the person who dies at the being, because of her style as a Goth.
This is the famous singer that song Decode in Paramore.

Costume we used to show each persons personality, which could lead to the audience to be able to relate and see the film. To show age we had Eva to have Champaign in the background in her scene and as it was in plan sight lots of people saw it and liked the idea of the props being there. This was successful because we were able to show age in a simple shot and that the character Eva is over 18.

4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

From research groups of people and what age groups go to the cinema, we found out young teens to 25 year olds is the largest age group that go to the cinema. So from finding this out we targeted our audience at 15-25+ to our film, to make this more clear we put an age 15 on the film so anyone above 15 can view it. So people who are still in school can view the film.

We looked at genres for films, and what our age group we chosen mostly want to see, it was romance, thriller, horror and comedy. So we choose thriller, then looking at what a thriller had.
Next after choosing a age group and genre, we had to look at what gender this film would mostly attract. This was hard to choose, but as myself being the age group targeted it was easier to sort out. I went out to the cinema to watch a horror/ thriller film with my girl friends and boy friends, so a thriller can attract teenagers. 

As it was quite scary, more boys than girls would see it, also it would also attract to boys as there is girls in the film, as boys would want to watch pretty girls on screen.
But then we also thought girls would want to see this, we thought this because it has the same age and gender in the film, also girls would want to watch what they could do in a few years or relate, so the target of girls would work well because of the choice of actresses. Plus with the girls in the opening act there is make-up and dresses which girls are into. 
We have also added different social groups in our film, so a wider range of different teenagers will go and view our film.

6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This is the Mac, what we have been working on for the whole time when on our blogs, and when editing the film. We also used this for research and uploading things onto YouTube. Not only that but this has all the programs we have used to complete and finalise our film. Also using this for uploading convocations involving our film opening. 

We used a HD video camera, this is what we used for recording our film. this was useful because we can easily use the camera when we needed. I learnt how to use different angle when filming, and from using different angles it creates different effect. 

We have learnt a lot of thing from using a tripod, and how to use the tripod it's self. We have learnt how to set it up and how long we need the legs when filming a certain shot. We have also learn that from filing with a tripod the filming is 100% less shaky  and more straight, also easier to pan around room for room shots etc.

Final Cut Express is what we used to cut our film and put it all together. We learnt how to add films from YouTube when we had to get our Summit Entertainment up. We also learnt how to upload music from Garage Band and Youtube up too. 

This is what the screen looked like when we were cutting and editing our film. At the bottom of this print screen you see a long bar with images and rows on, here out footage was, along with music. We cut any un-needed footage to fit into our two minute film limit. We learnt different tools on the program, how to cut and link scenes together, also how different fades can effect the mood and atmosphere of the film. Also we learnt how to add titles in our film from using Final Cut.
This is iMovie where we put all our filming in one place. From uploading the footage from the camera to iMovie we pick out what what footage we want, (so we got rid of bloopers or what shot is better etc). 

This picture is to show what iMovie looks like when opened, this is where you choose what footage you want. 

This is where we uploaded our film for lots of people to see, it is good to have our film on YouTube so we can show people who we don't even know the footage so comments wont be biased and more fair to judge. Also it was easier this way to share it on other networks like Facebook.

This is also another network we used to upload our film, it was good cause lots of people liked the film and commented on good and bad points. The only bad side of using Facebook is that friends and family commented on it, and comments were biased, however other people gave both a good comment and and 'even better if' comments to. 

Some people in the group used Twitter to put our film opening on, using a range of social networks is good because we can get feedback from a much larger audience. It is also good because different aged people use different social networks, and our age group/ target audience use Twitter a lot.

This is garage band, something I used a lot in our filming, while others where editing, I was creating music to go in our film opening. 
This is what Garage Band looked like when creating music. It was actually a fun task to do, and instead of searching on YouTube for a song that fitted, creating one was easier as we could match the genres easier. Not only that but as we knew what was going to happen in our film opening which made it easier to make music for it. 

2-How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2- How does your media product represent particular social groups?

From our film we used teenage girls to be in our film, which is our target age group. As we used ourselves to be in film, we thought it was be a good idea if we weren't all the same age, so we did 17-20, in that area of age. 
We represented the youngest in the group in the film (Cassie and Scarlet), as wearing lots of make-up, Cassie's age was 17 and mine(Scarlet) was 18. We wore lots of make-up to show we haven't really grew up and that we can't leave the house without make-up on. From representing that other girl in the same age group can relate and see the film, to see what they look like in different people eyes.
We did a lot of stereotyping in our film, just so we made clear on what our personality is like. As I (Scarlet in film) was a goth/emo, I had to dress up as what they are, wearing over the top black make-up, so girls who are into that style can see the film and see what they look like in social. 
Riley in our film is a real girly girl, we represented that by her wearing cream and blue colours, which was the in colour at the time filming, girls who like that style would gone to see it so they can she the style in the film.
To show Eva as being 20 and to bring the audience to that was hard to show and stereotype, first we changed the way she dressed, more formal and less make-up on, this shows she is more grown up than the others. People who are 20 could see how they are represented in the film. 
Also we all go to school/ uni, so any school groups would view the film to go with their friends, so they can relate of the school life.

The killer was hard to represent, so we did it by stereotype, when you look at gangs today they where hoodies so you can't see their faces, smoke, do drugs and sometimes carry knifes. 
So for the killer we gave him a dark look to him, so we gave him a black hoodie to wear and to make sure it quite far up so we don't see his hair or face. We did this to keep the mystery of who it is, this could of helped with the scared and unapproachable character as is identity isnt reviled. 
We also gave him dark blue jeans so his character is dark and unknown. 
From giving the stereotype as a gangster, we also gave him a knife (fake), to hold in the shot, to show that these people are dangerous and not to be talked to. We didn't give the killer a fake gun because we wanted to keep to the stereotype of the gangster idea.
Not only that but we used the villain as a man, not a women. We did this because the men are known to have more power other women, so we left the women as the weaker sex in the film opening. 
Plus villain in films do normal where fairly dark colours such as black, red and green, we dressed up the killer in black so the audience knew who the bad person was, also showing the knife. So people might go see the film to see how those sort of people are viewed in social and what other people think of people who dress up in hoodies.
This picture is of the stereotype of what happened when I typed 'person in hoodie' on the web, so we thought that people with hoodies are seen as dangerous. As the hoodie is also black is still leads into the colour serotype in wearing black.

This picture is what our killer in our film looks like, and this is what he wears in the scene when Scarlet gets killed. 

1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We used the genre as a thriller, and watched other films such as Misery, Cape Fear and Identity. We used these films as building blocks to our film, also using other techniques in our film from  other teen/ chick flicks such as mean girls so we attract a younger year group.

Mean Girls was where we stole the idea of a three way call, so we showed us being typical teenagers talking to friends. From this we were able to show the teenage year group and out target audience.  In the film it worked as we planned and was able to give a teenage effect on the film.
So we was able to fit that into our genre of thriller by showing the effect of them being worried, and the chat taken place. From the shot of the chat we where able able to see all girls personality's of each room of where they live. Having different personalities targets a wider range of teenagers and not on just one group of them. 

Our film fits the thriller because we have a death in the beginning, the makes things creepy as we don't know who it is. Also having the hand on the door, with the sound effect makes people scared and worried, however, we needed to be more carful to not but more scenes a horror movie would have. And as the open scene has a death we didn't want to make anyone jump, as that would of fitted a horror genre, we didn't build up that something bad is going to happen, so no tension was made, the only feeling is that there is a mystery in who killed her. So this fits into a thriller because it isn't scary, it is more of a question, which also linked to our film title.