Thursday, 16 January 2014

5- How did you attract/ address your audience?

5- How did you attract/ address your audience?
We used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for our feedback for our film. 

This is some of the feedback we got from Facebook.
Someone said- 'have to say love the drama when she dont answer the phone x but in my opinion was quite a slow build up to that point'
From this comment we looked back at the film and thought we wanted a big build up to the death, however from doing this we could have left it to long and make so slow and must of made the audience bored of watching the build up.

comment- 'very good I like the build up and the split screens on the phone scene. like the drama of the girl laying still and the person walking away makes you wonder "is she dead?" and "who is that?" x'
From this comment we did make a good build up to the film, which could be from people's different personal opinions. We are successful in the mystery we gave to the audience of Scarlets death and who killed her. Also this person liked the effect of the split screen. 
These are other comments from my Facebook page.
The main comment we looked at way this one-' was just thinking you could vary the camera shots, instead of having pretty much medium shots and close ups. Could try some extreme close ups, POV, over the shoulder and perhaps a Low Angle? Also, I'd say throw in some more cinematography skills, like pans, tilts and zooms! It's good though, just include them and it will make it 100 times better'
This is someone of our age group also studying media. He talked about more technical matters such as camera angles. We thought we could of used a extreme close up on maybe the knife or the blood on my shirt. And also we could use an extreme close-up on make blood dripping.  
For choosing our music for our film it was really hard, some people in group wanted a love song in the back ground on the radio, and we thought it doesn't find the genre of the film. Then we thought of playing a pop/punk band from Youtube on our phones. But the problem was we didn't know what band/singer to choose. But we thought of a teenager band called Paramore to sing a song, the song would be called Decode, which was also in a teenager film Twilight. We had to find a cover which was easy. We thought the song was a create choice because it fitted the genre of the film, also as Paramore is popular with teenagers we thought it was good so teenagers can enjoy some good music in a film, and teenagers is our focus/ target audience. Also this music linked to the person who dies at the being, because of her style as a Goth.
This is the famous singer that song Decode in Paramore.

Costume we used to show each persons personality, which could lead to the audience to be able to relate and see the film. To show age we had Eva to have Champaign in the background in her scene and as it was in plan sight lots of people saw it and liked the idea of the props being there. This was successful because we were able to show age in a simple shot and that the character Eva is over 18.

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