6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
This is the Mac, what we have been working on for the whole time when on our blogs, and when editing the film. We also used this for research and uploading things onto YouTube. Not only that but this has all the programs we have used to complete and finalise our film. Also using this for uploading convocations involving our film opening.
We used a HD video camera, this is what we used for recording our film. this was useful because we can easily use the camera when we needed. I learnt how to use different angle when filming, and from using different angles it creates different effect.
We have learnt a lot of thing from using a tripod, and how to use the tripod it's self. We have learnt how to set it up and how long we need the legs when filming a certain shot. We have also learn that from filing with a tripod the filming is 100% less shaky and more straight, also easier to pan around room for room shots etc.
Final Cut Express is what we used to cut our film and put it all together. We learnt how to add films from YouTube when we had to get our Summit Entertainment up. We also learnt how to upload music from Garage Band and Youtube up too.
This is what the screen looked like when we were cutting and editing our film. At the bottom of this print screen you see a long bar with images and rows on, here out footage was, along with music. We cut any un-needed footage to fit into our two minute film limit. We learnt different tools on the program, how to cut and link scenes together, also how different fades can effect the mood and atmosphere of the film. Also we learnt how to add titles in our film from using Final Cut.
This is iMovie where we put all our filming in one place. From uploading the footage from the camera to iMovie we pick out what what footage we want, (so we got rid of bloopers or what shot is better etc).
This picture is to show what iMovie looks like when opened, this is where you choose what footage you want.
This is where we uploaded our film for lots of people to see, it is good to have our film on YouTube so we can show people who we don't even know the footage so comments wont be biased and more fair to judge. Also it was easier this way to share it on other networks like Facebook.
This is also another network we used to upload our film, it was good cause lots of people liked the film and commented on good and bad points. The only bad side of using Facebook is that friends and family commented on it, and comments were biased, however other people gave both a good comment and and 'even better if' comments to.
Some people in the group used Twitter to put our film opening on, using a range of social networks is good because we can get feedback from a much larger audience. It is also good because different aged people use different social networks, and our age group/ target audience use Twitter a lot.
This is garage band, something I used a lot in our filming, while others where editing, I was creating music to go in our film opening.
This is what Garage Band looked like when creating music. It was actually a fun task to do, and instead of searching on YouTube for a song that fitted, creating one was easier as we could match the genres easier. Not only that but as we knew what was going to happen in our film opening which made it easier to make music for it.
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