Thursday, 16 January 2014

4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

From research groups of people and what age groups go to the cinema, we found out young teens to 25 year olds is the largest age group that go to the cinema. So from finding this out we targeted our audience at 15-25+ to our film, to make this more clear we put an age 15 on the film so anyone above 15 can view it. So people who are still in school can view the film.

We looked at genres for films, and what our age group we chosen mostly want to see, it was romance, thriller, horror and comedy. So we choose thriller, then looking at what a thriller had.
Next after choosing a age group and genre, we had to look at what gender this film would mostly attract. This was hard to choose, but as myself being the age group targeted it was easier to sort out. I went out to the cinema to watch a horror/ thriller film with my girl friends and boy friends, so a thriller can attract teenagers. 

As it was quite scary, more boys than girls would see it, also it would also attract to boys as there is girls in the film, as boys would want to watch pretty girls on screen.
But then we also thought girls would want to see this, we thought this because it has the same age and gender in the film, also girls would want to watch what they could do in a few years or relate, so the target of girls would work well because of the choice of actresses. Plus with the girls in the opening act there is make-up and dresses which girls are into. 
We have also added different social groups in our film, so a wider range of different teenagers will go and view our film.

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